Viv'Art Movement Academy
Viv'Art Movement academy was born in 2014 in the Isle of Dogs, London under the name Nina Monteiro Ballet School. One year later Miss Nina opened the branch in Hersham, Surrey.
In 2024, Miss Nina decided to sell the Surrey branch and rename the dance school which is now Viv'Art Movement Academy.
At VMA pupils of all ages, from 2.5 years to 73 years, male and female, fledgling to exceptional, are welcome.
We offer dance classes in various styles over two locations, Isle of Dogs, London and Dartford, Kent.
A little about the Cecchetti history
The Cecchetti teaching method was vital in the development of Classical Ballet in the United Kingdom and contributed heavily to modern-day British teaching methods. Enrico Cecchetti and his wife opened a ballet school in London in 1918, and his pupils included some of the most influential names in British Ballet, many also influencing ballet throughout the world.
Cecchetti-trained dancers have achieved places in ballet and dance companies all over the world. Well-trained Cecchetti dancers have a purity of line and simplicity of style which enables them to take their places in dance companies of various styles.
Dame Marie Rambert was a former pupil and colleague of Cecchetti, who also established a professional ballet school teaching his methods. This led to the formation of the UK's first ballet company, which survives today as the country's oldest established dance company, although it is now known as Rambert Dance Company and specialises in contemporary dance. The school also remains and is known as the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance.
Dame Ninette de Valois was a colleague of Cecchetti during her professional career with the Ballets Russes. She established The Royal Ballet in London, with many of the companies early dancers being pupils of Cecchetti. The Cecchetti method was also favoured by de Valois when she formed the Royal Ballet School.
Contact Us
George Green's School, 100 Manchester Road, E14 3DW, London
Europa Weightlifting Gym, Temple Hill Square, DA1 5HX, Dartford, Kent